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Category - Infrastructure & Operations

Dartbrook Coal Mine

$300M coal project revival announced

A mothballed coal development could be revived soon due to ambitious plans to resume work. Mining magnate Nathan Tinkler, M Resources, Evolution Capital, and a joint venture between Tetra Resources...

Mach Energy workers

Proposed $950M coal project approved

A new $950 million coal development received the nod to proceed. The New South Wales Independent Planning Commission (NSW IPC) recently approved MACH Energy’s Mount Pleasant Optimisation...

Carborough Downs mine

Central Qld coal expansion approved

A mining operation received the regulatory nod to increase activity in Queensland’s Isaac region. The State Government recently approved Fitzroy Australia’s Carborough Downs Coal...

NETTS workers

Inexperienced workers wanted for offshore Qld project

Queensland jobseekers will be paid, trained and qualified at a US$16 billion (A$23.4B) offshore development. Multiple process operator roles were recently advertised at QGC’s and Santos’...

Rio Tinto workers

Mining giant offers ‘quality tools’ to jobseekers

A multinational resources company will provide new recruits with some of the best equipment money can buy. Rio Tinto recently offered jobseekers high-quality tools if they are successful in joining...

South32 workers

$1B coal expansion cancelled due to weak profits

A multinational mining company abandoned a coal project because it would not generate enough income. South32 recently cancelled its Dendrobium Next Domain (DND) Project at the existing Dendrobium...

Gold/Silver Index